(Yves Tanguy, Indefinite Divisibility, painted in 1942). Last night, Canary dreamed a dream of a Tanguy landscape. Barbs that climbed the sky, a hazed sky. Beware the mirror's reverse, the world behind the mirror.
I am Daniel A. Rabuzzi. Lobster & Canary explores fantastical/surreal fiction, poetry, and visual arts, fairy tales, oral epic, & children's lit. CZP (Toronto) published my novels *The Choir Boats* (2009) and *The Indigo Pheasant* (2012). I live in an enchanted city called New York, with my wife and soul-mate, the artist Deborah A. Mills, along with the requisite two cats. Deborah & I design & create art together; our first collaboration was shown in 2012 at The Observatory (Gowanus, Brooklyn). Learn more about me: www.danielarabuzzi.com. Contact: drabuzzi (AT) earthlink (DOT) net. "Lobster and canary" is a Norwegian expression, meaning "odds and ends, a bit of this and a bit of that." The lobster in the header is from Abraham van Beyeren's "Still Life with Lobster and Fruit" (1650s)--the original painting is at The Metropolitan Museum of Art (NYC). The canary above is by Carl Fabritius (1654)--the original hangs in The Mauritshuis (The Hague). My understanding is that I am using the former image by virtue of fair use, and the latter because it is in the public domain.
If you have not read Mike Allen's Disturbing Muses (2005), you really need to.
I have not, but now will. Thanks!
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